Doctor Aithne Mithras

The most unassuming people are often thrust into the fabric of destiny, changing the course of life as we know it forever. A young woman with a heart made of glass and dreams that seemed unattainable joins the fray, for better or for worse.


A file of information compiled on the good doctor, granting a rare glimpse into her life and where she came from.


Her story as she has experienced it, from birth until current day.


A listing of people that she associates with, from acquaintances and friends, to lovers and enemies.



↬ Full Name ↫
Aithne Yvain Mithras
↬ Nickname ↫
Ai, Doctor, Doc, etc.
Ai is preferred.
↬ Age ↫
27 during the events of FFVII
↬ Birthday ↫
April 5, 1980
(game timeline)
↬ Birthplace ↫
Sector 6, Midgar
↬ Zodiac ↫
↬ Height ↫
4'10" (147cm)
↬ Gender ↫
↬ Orientation ↫
↬ Species ↫
Human, unmodified genetics
↬ Social Class ↫
Currently middle class, was raised below poverty

↬ Skin Tone ↫
Varies from pale to slightly tan--she has a neutral undertone that can make her look sickly at times. However, she does like to maintain a bit of a tan to hide that.
↬ Hair Color ↫
Naturally a mousey brown, dyed blonde
↬ Hair Style ↫
She prefers to keep it long, either in space buns or a ponytail for work. When on leisure, she'll keep it down.
↬ Eye Color ↫
Grey-toned blue
↬ Scars ↫
Miscellaneous scars on her fingers and hands, prominent surgery scar on the outside of her right leg which is currently covered by a tattoo, scar near her collarbone of unknown origin.
↬ Tattoos ↫
Leviathan on her right hip, a pair of hummingbirds on her ankle to cover her surgery scar. Outline of a chocobo behind her left ear.
↬ Piercings ↫
Ears & belly button, though she doesn't always keep jewelry in her bellybutton.


↬ Personality Type ↫
↬ Typical Disposition ↫
Aithne is known for being rather quiet and reserved around people she doesn't know, truly introverted. She likes to keep her head down and mind her own business. With those that she is comfortable with, she allows herself to be a little more eccentric and playful. She is always willing to lend a helping hand even to people she isn't familiar with. She can be prone to anxiety at times, with sudden trust issues and a general uneasiness about her surroundings.
Her loyalty to those she is close with is unwavering. She has the ability to forgive time and time again. She is good at keeping secrets and maintaining close relationships with those around her. Ai has an abnormal level of awareness when it comes to other people, usually stemmed from the fact that she assumes that they will betray her eventually. She can be a little sullen at times, but doesn't like to share her thoughts. She has a professional image to upkeep and that means keeping her personal affairs close to the heart and behind high walls.
↬ Temper ↫
Aithne has extreme patience for others, but she tries not to let herself be used by them. She rarely ever gets angry but when she does she can be unpredictable and dangerous.
↬ Discipline ↫
She is incredibly disciplined, and doesn't often break the status quo unless she sees clear benefit in doing so.
↬ Strengths ↫
- Exceptional intelligence and expertise in various scientific fields
- Advanced medical knowledge and skill in treating injuries and illnesses
- Proficiency in accessing and analyzing confidential information
- Strong problem-solving abilities, particularly in high-pressure situations
- Resourcefulness in utilizing available technology and resources
- Ability to adapt and learn quickly, especially when faced with new challenges
- Empathetic nature, enabling her to connect with others on a personal level despite her reserved demeanor
- Keen observation skills, allowing her to notice details that others may overlook
- Photographic memory, enabling her to recall detailed information with precision
- Exceptional talent in creating innovative medical treatments and technologies
- Proficiency in manipulating and deciphering complex data and algorithms
- Skillful in utilizing subtle persuasion and diplomacy to achieve her goals
- Mastery of disguise and deception, allowing her to blend into various environments unnoticed
- Ability to communicate with and understand animals, particularly cats
- Aptitude for creating intricate and beautiful works of art, incorporating her scientific knowledge into her creations
- Proficient in self-defense, often with unorthodox weapons.
↬ Weaknesses ↫
- Highly emotional, which can cloud her judgment and decision-making abilities in stressful situations
- Physically weaker than most of her peers, making her more vulnerable in confrontational situations
- A bleeding heart, leading her to prioritize others' needs over her own well-being at times
- Deep-rooted self-worth and trust issues, which may hinder her ability to form meaningful relationships and fully trust others
- Tendency to second-guess herself and her abilities, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt
- Difficulty in asserting herself and standing up for her own beliefs and desires
- Vulnerability to manipulation and exploitation by those who prey on her empathetic nature
- Struggles with maintaining boundaries and saying no, often resulting in her being taken advantage of or overwhelmed
- Prone to anxiety and stress, especially in high-pressure situations, which can impair her performance
- Reluctance to take risks or step outside of her comfort zone, limiting her personal and professional growth
- Difficulty in letting go of past traumas and failures, leading to persistent feelings of guilt and regret
- Tendency to avoid conflict and confrontation, often resulting in unresolved issues and internalized frustration
- Lack of assertiveness in advocating for herself and asserting her needs, leading to feelings of powerlessness and resentment
- Struggles with decision-making and indecisiveness, particularly when faced with multiple options or conflicting priorities
- Prone to burnout due to her tendency to prioritize others over herself and neglect self-care
- Potential for isolation and loneliness due to her trust issues and reluctance to open up to others
- Has to take steps to avoid things that trigger her eating disorder, and sometimes needs to take time away if those urges get too intense.
↬ Motivations ↫
- Aithne finds herself torn between her dislike for Shinra and her attachment to the friends she's made within the company. Despite her constant regrets, she feels compelled to stay due to her loyalty to them and a lingering sense of duty to fulfill her responsibilities as a scientist and doctor. She fears the consequences of leaving Shinra, such as losing her job and connections, and holds onto the hope that she can eventually make a positive impact from within the organization, even as she grapples with her inner turmoil.
↬ Fears ↫
- Betrayal by those she trusts
- Failure in her duties and responsibilities
- Abandonment by her friends within Shinra
- Uncertainty about the future
- Feelings of inadequacy and not being good enough
- Being overwhelmed by her emotions
- Losing her sense of identity and past passions
- Fear of never finding someone who loves her for who she is
- Body dysmorphia issues and insecurity about her appearance
- Fear of losing her family or their love and support
- Rejection by others
- Fear of losing control
- Fear of isolation
- Fear of never being able to escape her past or overcome her regrets
↬ Likes ↫
- Enjoying the company of her friends, particularly her close companions within Shinra
- Finding solace in her artistic pursuits, whether it's painting, drawing, or sculpting
- Cooking and experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen, finding joy in creating delicious meals for herself and others
- Spending time with cats, finding comfort and companionship in their presence
- Appreciating the beauty of nature and taking walks in serene environments
- Rediscovering her love for dance through gentle movements and exercises, despite her past injury
- Modeling for her own artwork or for close friends, finding empowerment and self-expression through posing
- Losing herself in books and literature, especially those related to science, medicine, and philosophy
- Engaging in deep conversations and debates with her peers, exploring complex ideas and theories
- Seeking solace in music, whether it's listening to soothing melodies or playing instruments like the piano or violin
- Finding inspiration in historical figures or role models who have overcome adversity and made a positive impact on the world
- Volunteering her time and skills to help those in need, whether it's providing medical assistance or lending a listening ear
- Exploring new places and cultures through travel, broadening her perspective and enriching her understanding of the world
- Embracing moments of solitude and reflection, allowing herself to recharge and reconnect with her inner thoughts and emotions
- Spending time on the farm she purchased for her parents, relishing in the simplicity and tranquility of rural life
- Bonding with family members, cherishing the moments spent together and strengthening their relationships
- Attending social events, even if she can be shy, as she enjoys the opportunity to dress up and mingle with others
- Dressing up for special occasions, taking pleasure in selecting stylish outfits and accessories to express herself
- Spending time at home relaxing after a long day, unwinding with a hot bath, cozy blankets, and her favorite tea or movie.
↬ Dislikes ↫
- Feeling betrayed or deceived by those she trusts
- Being criticized or belittled for her perceived shortcomings or mistakes
- Experiencing conflict or tension within her social circle, especially with close friends or colleagues
- Feeling pressured to conform to societal expectations or standards of beauty
- Being forced into confrontational or aggressive situations, preferring to avoid conflict whenever possible
- Dealing with manipulative or deceitful individuals who take advantage of her empathy and kindness
- Feeling overwhelmed by loud or chaotic environments, preferring calm and peaceful surroundings
- Facing discrimination or prejudice based on her appearance, background, or beliefs
- Experiencing setbacks or failures in her artistic endeavors or creative projects
- Witnessing injustices or suffering in the world without being able to alleviate it
- Feeling trapped or suffocated by her responsibilities and obligations, longing for freedom and autonomy
- Being reminded of past trauma or painful memories, causing her emotional distress and anxiety
- Feeling insecure or self-conscious about her body or physical appearance, especially in comparison to societal standards
- Struggling to connect with others on a deeper level due to her trust issues and fear of vulnerability
- Being forced to attend social events or gatherings where she feels out of place or uncomfortable
- Feeling disconnected from her family or loved ones, especially if they are distant or estranged
- Experiencing moments of self-doubt and uncertainty about her abilities and worth
- Feeling powerless to change or improve her circumstances, leading to feelings of frustration and hopelessness
- Dealing with the pressures and expectations of her role within Shinra, especially when they conflict with her personal values and beliefs
- Facing rejection or criticism for her artistic expression or creative ideas, causing her to doubt her talents and abilities
- Being misunderstood or judged by others based on her reserved demeanor and introverted nature.
↬ Heart's Desires ↫
- To find genuine, unwavering love and acceptance from someone who appreciates her for who she truly is, flaws and all.
- To overcome her self-worth and trust issues, and to develop a deep sense of self-acceptance and confidence in her abilities.
- To reconcile her conflicting feelings about her role within Shinra and find a sense of purpose and fulfillment in her work.
- To make a positive impact on the world, using her knowledge and skills to help others and contribute to meaningful change.
- To heal from past traumas and regrets, and to find inner peace and closure.
- To cultivate stronger connections with her family members, fostering a sense of closeness and understanding within her relationships.
- To pursue her artistic passions without fear or inhibition, finding joy and fulfillment in creative expression.
- To break free from societal expectations and standards, embracing her individuality and authenticity with pride.
- To overcome her fears and insecurities, allowing herself to fully embrace life's opportunities and experiences.
- To create a balanced and fulfilling life that encompasses her personal interests, relationships, and career aspirations.
↬ Triggers/Personal Vices ↫
- Witnessing or experiencing betrayal by someone she trusts
- Feeling criticized or belittled for her perceived shortcomings or mistakes
- Confronting situations that remind her of past traumas or painful memories
- Facing rejection or abandonment from those she cares about
- Feeling overwhelmed by loud or chaotic environments
- Dealing with manipulative or deceitful individuals who exploit her kindness
- Experiencing conflict or tension within her social circle, especially with close friends or colleagues
- Feeling pressured to conform to societal expectations or standards of beauty
- Being forced into confrontational or aggressive situations
- Witnessing injustices or suffering in the world without being able to alleviate it
Personal Vices:
- Engaging in excessive self-criticism and negative self-talk
- Seeking temporary escape or distraction from her problems through unhealthy coping mechanisms such as overeating or excessive consumption of alcohol
- Succumbing to self-doubt and allowing fear to dictate her actions and decisions
- Withdrawing from others and isolating herself when overwhelmed or emotionally triggered
- Engaging in avoidance behaviors to evade uncomfortable or distressing situations
- Suppressing her emotions rather than confronting and processing them in a healthy manner
- Overcommitting herself to others at the expense of her own well-being
- Using work or productivity as a means of distraction or validation
- Indulging in impulsive behaviors or decisions to numb emotional pain or dissatisfaction
- Struggling to set boundaries with others and assert her needs and desires
↬ Inspiration ↫
1. Desire for Redemption: Despite her reservations about working for Shinra, Aithne is driven by a deep-seated desire to make amends for past mistakes and regrets. She sees her position within the company as an opportunity to enact positive change and mitigate the harm caused by its actions.
2. Connection to Others: Aithne's strong bonds with friends and family serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. She finds purpose in supporting and protecting those she cares about, even if it means compromising her own values at times.3. Passion for Healing: As a scientist and doctor, Aithne is inspired by her passion for healing and helping others. She is driven by a genuine desire to alleviate suffering and improve the lives of those around her, using her knowledge and skills to make a tangible difference in the world.4. Creative Expression: Aithne finds inspiration in her artistic pursuits, whether it's through painting, cooking, or modeling. These activities allow her to express herself creatively and find moments of joy and fulfillment amidst the chaos of her life.5. Search for Meaning: Despite her inner turmoil and doubts, Aithne is on a quest to find meaning and purpose in her life. She is inspired by the possibility of forging her own path and creating a future that aligns with her values and aspirations, even in the face of adversity.
↬ Role model ↫
The women who have mentored her and influenced her throughtout the years
↬ Mental Health Status ↫
Aithne's mental health status reflects a nuanced interplay of strengths, struggles, and vulnerabilities. Despite her exceptional intelligence and expertise in scientific and medical fields, she grapples with deep-rooted self-worth and trust issues stemming from past traumas and regrets. These challenges manifest as feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and difficulty forming trusting relationships. Aithne's empathic nature and strong connections to others exemplify her capacity for meaningful relationships and support. However, her highly emotional nature and tendency to prioritize others' needs over her own leave her susceptible to stress, anxiety, and burnout.
Additionally, Aithne's artistic talents serve as a creative outlet for self-expression and emotional processing, offering her a source of joy and fulfillment. Yet, her body dysmorphia issues and insecurity about her appearance suggest struggles with body image and self-esteem, contributing to feelings of dissatisfaction and distress. Moreover, the conflict between her personal values and her role within Shinra may lead to inner turmoil and moral distress, exacerbating her sense of guilt and conflict.Furthermore, Aithne's fear of abandonment and rejection, coupled with her reluctance to confront her emotions and past traumas, may result in unresolved psychological distress and hinder her ability to seek help or support when needed. Her perfectionistic tendencies and fear of failure may lead to excessive self-criticism and pressure, contributing to heightened stress levels and potential mental health challenges.In essence, while Aithne possesses notable strengths and coping mechanisms, her mental health status is multifaceted. Seeking support from trusted individuals and engaging in self-care practices are crucial for her overall well-being and resilience.

↬ Habits ↫
Positive Habits:
- Maintaining a regular exercise routine, such as gentle stretching or yoga, to keep her body and mind healthy
- Practicing mindfulness and meditation to help manage stress and promote emotional well-being
- Engaging in creative activities, such as painting or cooking, to express herself and find joy in the present moment
- Setting aside time for self-reflection and journaling to process her thoughts and emotions
- Seeking out opportunities for personal growth and learning, whether through reading, attending workshops, or seeking mentorship
- Prioritizing self-care practices, such as getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and staying hydrated
- Cultivating gratitude and positivity by focusing on the things she is thankful for each day
- Nurturing her relationships with loved ones by spending quality time together and actively listening to their needs and concerns
Negative Habits:
- Engaging in avoidance behaviors to evade uncomfortable or distressing situations, rather than confronting them directly
- Overcommitting herself to others at the expense of her own well-being, leading to burnout and exhaustion
- Succumbing to self-doubt and negative self-talk, especially when faced with challenges or setbacks
- Using work or productivity as a means of distraction or validation, rather than addressing underlying emotions or issues
- Neglecting her own needs and desires in favor of seeking approval or validation from others
- Falling into patterns of rumination and dwelling on past mistakes or regrets, rather than focusing on the present moment
- Procrastinating on important tasks or projects, leading to increased stress and feelings of overwhelm
- Engaging in impulsive behaviors or decisions as a means of coping with emotional distress or dissatisfaction


Aithne Yvain Mithras was a child that was born in unassuming circumstances – birthed to parents Edward Lorcan Mithras and Verena Fallon Mithras (nee Synara), a rather quiet family hailing from a home nestled between the heart of Sector 5, and Sector 6's Wall Market. Of course they lived under the plate, as they were a family stricken with poverty. The Mithras clan had one elder daughter, seven years older than Aithne. Her name was Nessa Evran Mithras. Edward and Verena both worked, with him working as a mechanic and her working at the LOVELESS theater as a stage manager and costume designer.From birth, there was something different about Aithne. She was a quiet child, the kind to whimper rather than full out wail. She grew up as well as a child in the slums could, loved fiercely by her parents and elder sister. Most growth milestones came as expected with her, yet some seemed to be behind. The child did not talk for quite some time despite showing that she understood conversation and would point to indicate things. She spent a significant amount of time looking at books and playing with her toys. It seemed as if she lived entirely in a world of her own creation.Her first words were uttered at the age of five. She had started school but nobody was quite sure what to make of the silent girl with mousy brown hair and big stormy grey-blue eyes. In fact, most kids picked on her. Aithne wasn't a child who cried or made a fuss, she simply shut down and withdrew into the safety of her mind. It was at this point in life that the opportunity to test Ai's abilities was presented and she was tested. The results of the testing showed remarkable brilliance in all areas save for speech. It was early to say, but "gifted" fit the bill.At the behest of the test proctor, they suggested a skilled hobby to help her develop the social skills she lacked and hopefully come out of her shell. Verena had connections to ballet classes taught topside due to her position in the theater and she called in a favor to get Aithne into ballet classes. At this time, Verena was pregnant with her third and final child so having her youngest daughter in dance classes meant that she would be in trusted hands. It was one less burden on her shoulders.Aithne wasn't particularly talented in dance. She was clumsy and clunky, sometimes she'd get confused but it did light something within her. She began to speak more than she had ever spoken as she was determined to dance. It became clear that she was a perfectionist and would accept nothing less despite her struggles. She didn't make friends but she clung to her instructors like velcro. This paid off in seeing her performance excel in school. Having something to challenge her in the form of ballet meant that she was improving all around, which was something everyone was happy about.The birth of her younger brother caused Aithne to falter a little bit due to the significant change, but it was temporary. Ian Kieran Mithras joined the family when Aithne was six and Nessa was thirteen. The final addition to the family was a pair of kittens that Nessa brought home, named Sugar and Spice. The family was complete for the time being. However, Aithne's downfall was only beginning.Underneath an otherwise aloof exterior, the words of others were weighing on her. She strived for perfection in dance and pushed herself to the limit. Her studies were still going fine but her dancing was where the struggles were. Her entire life revolved around dance and every moment she had to think was flooded by images of what she aspired to be.The first time she had heard of ShinRa outside of understanding that they essentially controlled the city was at a career day seminar. Of course they were scouting new talent even at a young age. They would be giving standardized tests to all students and those scoring highest would be offered a scholarship to study at a prestigious academy in Junon. At this time, Aithne was ten and thought nothing of it. She had just turned eleven when the testing rolled around and once again thought little of it.Her interests were still deeply rooted into dance. The only time the scholarship came into mind was when she discovered that the two best dancers had been selected to dance with a troupe based in Junon to give them better opportunities. Aithne was not selected for the dance academy, but shortly after this she received a letter from ShinRa stating that she had won a STEM scholarship and if accepted she would be relocated to Junon for schooling and provided housing by the school.The wheels in her head began to turn and she accepted with hopes that it would put her closer to this prestigious dance academy. In truth, Aithne had no intention of following through with all the fine print of the scholarship which included the conditions of working for ShinRa both for an internship and further down the line once she was fully graduated from both secondary school and university. She wanted to dance and was willing to take a gamble to get closer to that goal.But everything came with a price.Essentially attending boarding school wasn't an issue. Her dormitory was nicer than anything she had ever had at home and her family members were welcome to visit her when they could. Junon was far from Midgar, which meant her parents couldn't visit much. There was drama at home with her older sister anyway so she was grateful for the escape. Reaching out to the dance school was a different story.Her first application and audition were both rejected. Private dance lessons were offered to her by one of the instructors in exchange for cleaning up the studio after hours. She juggled this and her schoolwork, ensuring that she did well so that she wouldn't be kicked out of the program. But she began to struggle in different ways.Her second application was rejected with no opportunities to audition. The school cited that they were full for the season, but she could continue her arrangement of private lessons. Aithne didn't really have friends or much support in Junon so nobody really noticed the vicious cycle that she became trapped in. Nor did anyone notice that the already lithe young woman was beginning to lose weight rapidly.She was attending school year round in order to fast track her graduation. She didn't go home for holidays and summers because she couldn't afford it. Her parents couldn't either, as they were handling how rocky things had gotten at home. But the weight loss was beginning to have other effects on her. Aithne's grades began to slip, and she was put on academic probation. The dean of students had pulled her into a meeting to discuss her grades and solutions.Now at the age of fourteen, Ai was beyond apologetic. She was wearing clothing meant to hide the state of her body and she was too quiet for anyone to really pay attention. She wouldn't be in any state of undress around her dorm mates, so she chalked it up to being stressed about the situation at home. Since she hadn't been a problem before then, her excuse was bought.She managed to get her grades where they should be, but she found herself out of energy constantly. She purchased energy drinks and supplements, and for a while there was a solution. There was little respite from this dangerous routine she had gotten herself into. In a school among students who paid to get there versus Aithne being the underpriced scholarship student, it was easy to be overlooked. After all, they were being paid handsomely to take on these hopefuls.She had a time where she resumed normalcy in her life as she reached the home stretch towards graduation. Her dance improved, she was eating regularly and her grades were near perfection. The promise of leaving the hellscape that was the secondary school was far too tempting to refuse. Everything was fine until it wasn't.In dance, her improvements were enough to afford her a spot to dance with the rest of the students and not just take after hours lessons. She was judged harshly, since most of her peers didn't like the idea of a "slum rat" like her. The bullying got to her but she pressed on. This was what she had always wanted and she was going to chase it. Being a part of the ensemble lasted for almost two years.In the spring before her graduation, just a short time after her birthday, disaster struck. Ai had been starving herself again because of passing comments that were made about her height and various other factors the girls felt compelled to hound her for. The instructors never dissuaded the girls from infighting because they felt that pressure made better dancers.Aithne was selected for a solo in their charity show. It would be the first time in ages that she saw her family, there were some teachers from school that were going to attend as well– and the pressure was on. That night proved to be one of the most disastrous and traumatic nights of her life.It was a split second and her life was changed forever. Halfway through the solo, she injured herself. Her ankle shattered; it was attributed to multiple factors ranging from her starvation to the stress she was going through. Her own memory is hazy but she spent two weeks in the hospital, and after multiple surgeries she begun the long trial that would be healing. Her doctors said it was lucky that they saved her ankle because amputation had been discussed between the doctors and her parents.Her career in dance was effectively over, because her joint was full of hardware and she had bone density problems stemming from years of starvation and abuse to her body. After she was discharged for her ankle, she was put into a rehabilitation program both for her leg and for recovery from the eating disorder that she was finally diagnosed with. She was getting the help that she needed and her parents took time to spend with her during the healing process.She had plenty of time to keep up on school work so her graduation wouldn't be delayed either. There was at least that to look forward to. She returned to school in time for final exams and graduation. Her graduation photos were aken with her on crutches, yet she was smiling in them.Aithne went home for a few weeks to prepare for university in Junon, which she was told was an entirely different experience from the snooty crowd at boarding school. The break from everything felt good and she was approaching university with a clear head…in a boot brace to let her ankle continue to heal, but at least she didn't need the crutches anymore.Moving into her dormitory for university was something she won't forget. They had frequent parties, and her roommate was always up to something wild. University was also the first time that she ran into Rufus ShinRa. He was only a few years older than her– and while she wasn't sure whether he was a student or not, he did frequent the parties and social scene. They recognized each other (a little hard to forget RUFUS SHINRA and his entourage consisting of Turks and the occasional groupies versus "That short chick with a boot brace") but weren't necessarily on a first name basis.Her roommate made sure to encourage Ai to get out and enjoy herself more while also keeping tabs on her self care (maybe Ai's mother had something to do with that!). However, the two of them didn't falter from their studies. Mina was a student in the arts program while Aithne was entering medical school with a minor in chemistry. There was one day where ShinRa sent some of their best to the university to once again comb for talent as well as get students into internships, and that was the day that Ai met Scarlet.Meeting that woman was a light bulb moment for Ai, because Scarlet was everything she wanted to be. She radiated power and confidence, and their brief conversation was enough to make her go in a direction she had never gone before. It was the weekend after where she begged Mina to help her dye her hair blonde for the first time, and also the first time she decided to dress differently. Before then she had hidden away in baggy clothing and whatever was comfortable.Now that the boot was off and she had a new focus, her fashion sense changed too. She started going to the gym to try to do something healthy for herself and try to emulate that confidence she wished to have. Ai felt like a woman and not just a stupid little girl. She always kept that vision of Scarlet in her mind, an adoration for a successful woman making her decide to stay on the path she was headed and ultimately deciding that she would uphold the original agreement when accepting the scholarship.School was difficult, and the next few years were spent juggling time between school work, working part time, and what semblance of a social life she had. Mina had moved on from the dorms but Ai remained because she couldn't quite afford off campus housing. The dorms were provided as a part of the scholarship, so she was content to stay. Each semester brought a new roommate, some more friendly than others.Ai still found it hard to socialize but there were a few familiar faces still around, people she wasn't necessarily close to but recognized and could stay close to if her shyness became an obstacle.
She worked odd jobs to support herself, cleaning homes or watching people's pets or whatever else she could do. She was known as the girl who wouldn't turn down a majority of jobs so many people came to her because she was almost desperate for the cash.
Anything she didn't need was immediately sent to her parents to help them because she wanted to help them get out of the slums.
She was still (technically) underage when sex work was introduced to her as a profession. Discreetly joining some of Gaia's richer folk as an escort, offering "company" in exchange for money. At first she was apprehensive but the pay was too good to refuse.
The escorting didn't last very long because it was through this she was approached by a man who owned a company known for artistic nude modeling and other creative works. At least, it was marketed to her like that. She signed a contract and got paid just as much as she did for escort work. It was easier to balance this and now that she was legal. Barely legal, but it was enough.The pressure was put on her to do more but she did her best to keep her boundaries. She was still very uncomfortable with her body but she had finally grown into a more feminine and adult body. Without the pressure of dance she was able to gain healthy weight and look good too, but the dysmorphia lingered. It was always there even when she had eyes on her body and she knew people were looking at her when they ordered a magazine or film.This was how she made money when her internship began because it wasn't going to be paid until she had completed the six month internship. A long trial period working under both Professor Hollander and Professor Hojo, assisting with newer SOLDIER recruits and occasionally working alongside Scarlet if she needed R&D for anything. However, most of her time was spent doing the work nobody wanted to do.She wasn't a full employee, so she flew under the radar. Nobody paid much attention and she was far too meek to speak out about anything. Her compliance without being mouthy meant that she was a desirable candidate to stay in the program and advance into more classified projects. After her six months was up, she went to the medical department to begin her residency. She found herself being pulled to the lab when she wasn't on shift, and also had to keep up with her modeling contract.Things were busy. She moved back to Midgar and managed to live with another employee above the plate. Her studies would be completed in Midgar but she was welcomed into the company with open arms. She was a promising young mind and the hefty investment in her future had paid off. Not only could it have been considered an act of charity to uplift this fragile woman from the slums, the company secured her as their employee and in the mind of the higher-ups, her compliance.

Finding personnel that could be trusted with the greater secrets of the company was something that was a task of importance, considering the fact that Hojo considered moving Ai to one of the most secretive projects run by the company. Her medical background would be of use so the idea was floated to the overseers of the project, and the President himself. He had to be certain that her loyalty was unwavering.She was just about 21 years of age when she was called for a private meeting with President ShinRa. Of course, she was concerned that this would be the end of her career--had she done something wrong? Ai didn't understand why she had been called upon. The reasoning became evident when he spoke to her.In a box was a bullet with her initials engraved in it. She was told by the president if she did not follow through with confidentiality on the project she was about to work on, there would be a bullet for her and a bullet for every one of her family members. Ai knew that it would most certainly be carried out if she didn't give her loyalty and stay silent about whatever it was they intended to entrust her with.It was here she first heard the name "Deepground," while the bullet with her name engraved on it was in her hand and she could feel the indent in the metal spelling her name. It was certainly enough to make her willing to do anything asked of her, because she didn't want her family to have their lives cut short by her folly. Since she was loosely acquainted with Rufus who was still back in Junon, she wondered if she should reach out to him about the experience.Aithne never did, because soon her workload was too much to even worry about anything else. As SOLDIER continued to grow, Deepground was producing its own breed of mostly human weapons. The Deepground soldiers were hybridized from Jenova cells in addition to genetic material from the three 1sts--Genesis, Angeal, and Sephiroth. The Tsviets were specifically spliced from Genesis' DNA, but there were many experiments that took place in Deepground as they worked to create the perfect soldiers. There were monsters born, and there were monsters created from people who were captured. Orphans from the slums were used often and while it deeply disturbed Ai, she didn't feel like she could fight back.Only a handful of the experiments survived, and as the ranks were thinned and the powers of the Tsviets known it became increasingly evident that Aithne would be in danger if she didn't go through some sort of basic training. This task was given to the Turks, as they would be able to judge for certain if she was ready to return to Deepground or not. Training with the Turks and temporarily working in their department was perhaps the most she had enjoyed being at the company, because the work in Deepground was usually cold and lonely. There were no friendly faces there, and the subjects usually threatened her so she had learned to be silent and work.The experience she had with the Turks was different. Working on Deepground projects remotely, her down time was spent at a desk or assisting in the medical department. When someone was available to help with basic training, she would. If she could shadow them on missions without it being something classified, she would assist. In the rare event that there was nobody available from the Turks, she would tag along with SOLDIER. Due to her involvement with Deepground, her work with SOLDIER proper was limited but it still happened.While shadowing more capable individuals, she picked up a vast set of skills and ended up being excellent at assisting remotely and doing reconnaissance work. This was helpful on missions but it was a temporary measure as she would be needed to return to her work in Deepground. After about ten months of training she passed a self defense and combat proficiency test as well as basic training that infantry went through, proctored by Heidegger. With all the training she had as well as field experience, she was able to pass on the first try.She spent another few weeks with the Turks, and then returned to her position in Deepground with the skills to defend herself in most situations. Shelke had recently arrived in Deepground at this point in time, with Aithne being unaware of the fact that she was essentially kidnapped. Ai didn't get a chance to look into it because she was reassigned due to staffing changes.Professor Hollander was gone, two Firsts were gone, and the company was busy patching holes. Aithne became the head of the medical department and was no longer needed in Deepground as those experiments were considered a success. With the loss of two of SOLDIER's best, the decision to quickly promote Weiss and Nero silently as members of Deepground's SOLDIER division was made. They would be on standby because their unpredictability even after rigorous attempts to keep them under control was a factor that they danced around.Ai was grateful to take a position "above ground," get to work a little more normal hours and not have to worry about her safety. She was also asked to substitute for the science department often, since Hojo could be unreliable because he spent more time on his own projects than company work, and losing Hollander put a gap in their resources. She didn't get much interaction with SOLDIER because of her involvement with Deepground and wanting to keep the branches separate despite working front and center. She handled many records and allocated resources where they needed to go but was often whisked off to handle the projects that would have normally gone to their best scientists. It was officially her first year without being considered a medical resident and she was fully able to consider herself a doctor now, but she was quickly moved through the ranks to supplement the losses sustained.The years that followed would be much of the same. She did the jobs of four or five people--occasionally managing Deepground, medic work for injuries, research and development, attending meetings and working with other departments on projects and missions. Her life was busy and she was able to quickly save a generous amount of money because she spent so much time at work and rarely had outside expenses.Her first order of business was surprising her parents with their dream home just outside of Kalm. She bought them a spacious farm with a beautiful home on the lands and was finally able to repay her parents for everything they had done. She spent quite a bit on helping her older sister and her nieces and nephews, and also helping her brother through university as well. She was able to lift them out of poverty even if it meant she was living on the bare minimum. For them, it was worth it.There was an attack on the science department by Avalanche around this time, and she was mostly unharmed but did have to assist in ensuring that nothing escaped or alerted the rest of the company. She was beginning to feel a little uneasy about what was going on and she reached out to Rufus, who she hadn't seen in several years and had only been acquaintances with before. She takes a short leave of absence to visit him in Junon. This was the first time she had taken time off and she tried to keep suspicion off of her by saying she was going to give a speech at the school she graduated from and promote the ShinRa scholarship program.She kept up her end of the bargain but kept her visits with Rufus a secret. The Turks were obviously aware, but because she was friendly with the majority of them and their loyalty to Rufus word never reached Midgar that the two met. On occasion she would return to Junon and speak highly of ShinRa to the people and visit with Rufus during those stays. One of those stays happened to be when the Nibelheim Incident occurred.It was during this time that President ShinRa became aware of Rufus being Avalanche's informant. To avoid being implicated as well, she is quickly shuttled back to Midgar. Ai never really learned why she was shuffled out so quickly, and never connected the dots. By then, her contact with him had been cut off and anything hinting of any calls and meetings was destroyed. To keep up the image, she maintained radio silence and instead focused on the large gaps in R&D that were left by Hojo choosing to work in ShinRa Manor after the Nibelheim incident, and most of the additional resources going into the rocket which was not something she felt qualified to be involved with.She returned to Deepground temporarily. In the midst of everything, Ai managed to slip information to Rufus through Reno and Tseng, disguising the dossiers as field research requested by them. Only a select few knew or what occurred between Rufus and Avalanche, and Ai was one of those who was out of the loop but had friends who knew and were trying to make sure she wasn't implicated. The assassination attempt was nixed, but the sentiment that the President was no longer a satisfactory was slowly beginning to take hold. Aithne harbored a grudge because he had threatened her, but she hadn't disclosed that to anyone. She refused to let anyone know that he threatened her because she didn't want to be seen as weak.She had been young and impressionable when he did, and she was a changed woman now. More confident in her own ability, healthier than she had ever been, and in a leadership role in the company. She had everything to be grateful for and everything to be happy about. She was able to reconnect with Scarlet as they were often keeping the ball rolling with resources being spread and more attempts at infiltration from Avalanche occurred. While Ai was too shy to ever outright admit that she was the person who inspired her young mind to move forward, it was a wonderful feeling to know it had come full circle. With Rufus now back in Midgar and essentially imprisoned in ShinRa HQ, it was a little easier for her to stealthily contact him.With resources being stretched thin, she was able to slide under the radar. Ai didn't realize he had aided Avalanche, only believed that the President was doing this to him out of jealousy and spite. She never realized that Rufus was planning on fighting back until it became obvious that Veld and the Turks were considered to be insurgents as well, connected to the uptick in Avalanche incidents and the instability that had swept the company.President ShinRa caught on to her meeting with Rufus and rather than execute her, he decides to send her to Deepground. Genesis had been recaptured and was now housed there, in stasis after his encounter with the Goddess materia. The traces of materia still in Genesis show to be of use to them and Aithne synthesizes a material that can be used to stave off further degradation using his bone marrow as the basis. The synthetic formula is difficult to produce and takes time, and Ai is cut off from everyone while she essentially lives in Deepground to finish her task. Completing the deceased Hollander's research, she begins to grow a disdain for her work. The occasional meetings with Weiss and Nero only solidify that opinion, but there is little she can do since there had been so much chaos within the company.Her best bet was to stay with Deepground until there was a semblance of stability above ground. It meant that many assumed that she was dead or injured because of how secretive the Deepground project was, and she had no desire to burn what little good will the President had towards her after seeing how many people he turned against. The one person who knew of Deepground and was someone she trusted was Scarlet, who truly kept her sane as she spent long hours in the darkness.She only emerged after the Turks were reinstated and Rufus was in a position of power, and she felt safe enough to leave Deepground and begin working in the company proper again. She was once again assigned to plug the holes left by the absences of past employees, juggling duties between the science half and the medical half. She didn't speak of what had occurred, as everyone was on edge to ensure that loyalty remained and nobody was questioned.Ai finally moved into her own apartment, no longer rooming with other employees and deciding she liked being alone. The nightmares were beginning to be a nightly occurrence and there were many nights where she would be unwell and vomit due to panic. Not wanting to subject anyone to that, she lived alone and preferred to keep it that way. The only exception she made was when she bought a cat whom she named Bastila, a Ragdoll kitten with a considerable amount of sass. She brought Ai comfort and she was able to sleep better with the cat watching over her.During the events of the original game (and by proxy, the remake), she remains with ShinRa and works almost exclusively in the medical department and only straying away to attend meetings or help in other areas. She keeps her head down for the most part, not wanting to draw attention to herself or the things that she hears being whispered in the halls of the company. During the plate’s fall, Aithne was held by ShinRa security to ensure that she didn’t go and get herself killed. Her reaction was predicted ahead of time by the Turks from their previous experience working with her. She was free to go afterwards, and she promptly left to spend time at her parents’ farm to mentally recover.The news shocked her family as well, because Sector 7 was frequented by all of them. Knowing that it was all gone was sobering, and a testament to the family’s bond. Despite her grief over the plate being dropped, she returned to work. She was considerably more on-guard than before, but there was a bit of relief that overcame her once Rufus took over. Even if he was driven by ambition, she knew deep down that he would ultimately try to make the right decision in the end. She hoped, at least, that he wouldn’t walk in the same footsteps as his father now that the old man was dead.Ai decided to remain with ShinRa without trying to run from the inevitable until the very end. She was in the ShinRa building during Meteorfall, and was significantly injured in the process. It took her a few months to get back on her feet, but it didn’t come without a price. She now bore a scar across her face, stretching from the top of her left brow down to her jawbone, skipping over her eye but she lost vision in the eye due to shrapnel. It became clouded over due to scarring, but it didn’t bother her. She felt more comfortable with herself than she ever did.She chose to remain with the Turks and Rufus, using what remained of ShinRa to begin research on curing Geostigma as well as seeing patients that were effected by what had happened. She opened up a small practice in Edge to accommodate citizens and the needy, occasionally traveling to Kalm and Healen Lodge. She assumed that Deepground had been destroyed in the aftermath, and didn’t think much of it. This was her life for quite some time, and later became a consultant for the WRO. She dedicated time to helping out where she could, including in Edge after the havoc wreaked by the Remnants. When ShinRa reformed, she joined them once again.During the events of Dirge of Cerberus, Aithne was under protection of the Turks due to her involvement with Deepground. She assumed that they would try to kill her if they knew she lived and needed to lay low, which she did by traveling to Mideel and later traveling to what was once Banora. She was in search of the materia that she presumed would be there, but Genesis got there before she did. It was clear that he had been there even if she hadn’t seen him. All that was left were traces of its presence and bits of the past to research, which she compiled for both ShinRa and the WRO. She divulged what information she could about the Deepground projects, about what to expect moving forward as well as the synthetic hormone she created using G cells. Knowing that Genesis was still around, she awaits their inevitable encounter in the future, and whatever the next step for ShinRa may be.


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